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IT Education Unique Stock Photos, Photography & Unique Stock Images

Unique Stock Photos, Photography & Unique Stock Images

We add new media every 30 days so your library won’t feel stale and you can continue to stand out. Another site that deserves a look is The best free photo stocks for designers Public Domain Review. Founded in 2011, the platform offers a wealth of media from public archives, some of it more than a century old.

unique stock photos

The site’s photos were all acquired from private collections. If you stumble upon a rare image that’s too small or overprocessed, Vintage Stock Photos can help you re-scan and remaster it. Rawpixel searches for original digital collections all over the world to fuel its free collection, and the results are bursting with creativity and authenticity. It’s one site that’s worth checking if you’re looking for something original to kick off a new design project.

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Get 10 images per month and the creative tools you need with an All-in-One plan. This will make your photos look dramatic and help you focus on specific parts of your subject at a time. Your photos will look boring if you approach your subject the same way every time. But don’t pigeonhole women into simply clinking wine glasses or laughing with salads (see #5).

unique stock photos

For food bloggers and content creators in the restaurant space, Foodiesfeed is a must-have. Organized by category, the site’s images are high quality and easy to find. For art design lovers, Rawpixel Public Domain is a perfect choice. It offers over a million professional photos, graphics, templates, mockups, and other design and illustration resources. While it’s relatively new, Picjumbo is growing in popularity, with millions of downloads and counting.

Create Intentional Motion Blur to Make Your Photos Look Alive

It also has a premium service that offers thousands of exclusive photos. Stocksy is a cooperative of creatives offering authentic photos and videos produced by industry professionals. You won’t find the images you find on Stocksy anywhere else, since images are purchased directly, rather than the typical browse-and-click approach. The biggest advantage of choosing a premium stock photo site is the guarantee of working with a unique visual resource. Photographers from over 170 countries support Pexels’ image collection. To top it off, the site’s sizable database of photos is curated by a team of professionals to ensure quality and originality.

unique stock photos

Unsplash also provides a popular API that developers leverage to add quality photo searching to their apps and tools. For example, design tools, such as Figma and Sketch, have an Unsplash browser built-in. With more generous prices than the big competitors, Death to Stock Photo is a great paid alternative for those who need original, creative, high-resolution photos and videos. More than 6,500 new photos are added every month, all produced by talented artists funded by the platform’s membership plans.

Startup Stock Photos

Sometime in the last ten years, the universal symbol for happiness became jumping. Whether in magazines, catalogs, billboards, or websites, jumping people are everywhere. Get the content and creative tools you need with an All-in-One plan and your first month free. We work with our network of global artists to go from brief, production, then final touch-ups. We then tag and deliver the visuals directly to your library.

  • Explore millions of bold stock photos, minus the stocky feel.
  • You can download resources used in photo productions, such as color palettes and composition materials.
  • This means using only one light source (such as a torch or window) during your photoshoot.
  • There are a ton of different, non-real ways, to show joy in photography.
  • If we believe that love is love, which I do, then let’s show it, not just hint at it.
  • Images via Alex Berger, Toms Auzins, BigPixel Photo, MDV Edwards, and TabitaZn.

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